c/o E.C.M. of AGCW-DL

Listing of the associated clubs that the EuCW has fraternal links with.

This form of association is open only to clubs outside Europe. The contact to EuCW is maintained via Liaison officers.

Format of this list (ordered according to the time line):

Club short name and country

Original long name (English long name if available and if different from original name)
club category
Liaison officer (LO) call, name

LU:GACW (Argentina)

Grupo Argentino de CW
Generic CW club
c/o: GACW, Casilla de Correo 9, 1875 Wilde, Buenos Aires, República Argentina
LO: LU6EF, Raúl


Long Island CW Club
Generic CW club
LO: WB2UZE, Howard

US EU RU JA BR NL FR IT DE ICWC (U.S.A. and other countries)

International CW Council
Association of Clubs
Responsible: WB2UZE, Howard

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